Monday, October 10, 2011

Placemaking in this space/place

Below there is a set of DRAFT PROPOSALS to do with a place and a celebration of its CULTURALcargo and the layerings of stories and story telling attached to it. The project NOW has been sparked by the 200th Anniversary of the Macquaries taking breakfast on or near this pace on the 27th of November 1811

The Maquaries hold a special place in the cultural imagination of many Australians and Tasmanians – and even Scots and the Macquaries' descendants. This place is one where some of this comes into play and one that offers a chance to muse upon the stories that belong to the place – stories that come into focus with looming 200th Anniversary of the Macquaries' presence upon it.

To simply celebrate the Macquaries' presence upon – albeit ever so briefly – without acknowledging the 40,000 years (?) of prior Aboriginal presence upon it would be one dimensional –  to put the kindest inflection upon it. Thus an audit of this place's Community of Ownership & Interest is arguably an imperative given Tasmania's colonial histories and the cultural cargoes and social tensions they carry. This audit/exercise/research will without doubt enrich community understandings of not only this place but others like them – especially so in Tasmania.

In addition to this audit, over time, there will need to be wide ranging consultations with people who have cultural imaginings, professional interests and histories that belong to, or are attached to, this place – Black Snake Point, The Derwent, Tasmania, Australia, etc.

Simply plopping/plonking a marker/artwork/installation/signage in the landscape is likely to cause derision in the wider community. This is entirely avoidable!

The PLACEmaking & PLACEscaping on this site maye well include:
  • Consulting the Tasmanian Aboriginal community to discuss the Aboriginal histories, knowledge and imaginings that belong to this site/space/PLACE;
  • Attempting to re-establish the kind of vegitation that Macquarie might have encountered;
  • A program of fund raising over an extended time to raise funding and seek sponsorship for the PLACEmaking;
  • Documenting the PLACE and the PLACEmaking.
NB: The URL to the CYBERplace in CYBERspace where the "Macquarie Black Snake Breakfast" 'resides'... well it  has been adjusted to reflect vernacular understandings and expressions of language plus the personal and cultural memories embedded within it. If you like this URL  is the doorKNOB to the 'portal' that opens out into this place in CYBERplacescape with all its attendant histories, memories and imaginings.

NOTE: This site and the research attached to it has been sponsored by 'the nudgelbah institute' and its contents should be regarded as being Commercial-in-Confidence. Furthermore the research attache to this site is a part of the institute's ongoing action research into place, placemaking and the cognative ownerships attached to place and more specifically case studies to do with Communities of Ownership and Interest.

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