ANTIplonk is a loose and eclectic network of cultural producers working in the public domain. Rather than do anything in the public domain we'd rather be doing something collaboratively with someone, a group, whoever, than either for them or to them. The ANTIplonk network is a network of networks working with the realisation that as 'a collective', and with pooled resources, a collaboration involving EVERYONE can deliver more appropriate cultural outcomes.
ANTIplonk takes inspiration from the pejorative slang term for public art, "plop art" – but with an Ozzie vernacular twist – "reality hacking" and conceptual art. ANTIplonk is informed by the artmaking cum cultural production of the late 20th Century. Minimalism, Fluxus and Dada holds attractions for the network. 'Neofluxusism' in particular, like its foreshadow, is:
• More an attitude and/or an aesthetic than it could ever be a movement;
•A lot to do with the idea of 'intermedia' – the exploration/exploitation of what happens when different media bump up against each other;
• Where all kinds of everyday objects, sounds, images, and words can have a newness of meaning in combination.
The idea of the ordinary being extraordinary, fun even, is an attraction. But more than that, the realisation that working as a collective, and collaboratively, almost anything can be realised .Indeed, what might have been out of reach while working as individuals, becomes a possibility and within reach. ... click here to read more
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