Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Proposal for a "Macquarie's Black Snake Breakfast" Placemarker


NOTE: The key element in this proposal is the visual language/poetry more than its manifestation in this format. There is a myriad of formats via which this visual poem (concrete poem) might be realised. One alternative might be as a milestone but there would be many others depending upon its placement in a PLACEscape, budget constraints, site management concerns, public safety, etc. This proposal might serve as a starting point for a process of finding a SITEappropriate manifestation.

This manifestation would involve an ANTIplonk collaboration and research process.

NB: The placement of the apostrophe and or it need is open to conjecture

Ray Norman 2011

1 comment:

male said...

An excellent read - eleven opportunities to revive a memory, at the place no less.
We've looked at the catchment, we've visited the Gothic building, we have also shared breakfast with the present owner at the Black Snake Inn.
We both want to see these eleven markers into reality, count us in on this activity.
Barbara Heath/Malcolm Enright - Tunbridge Tasmania & Brisbane Australia.