SORRY! ... That should have been 'WATCH THIS PLACE' because this project is all about turning a space in the landscape into a place, or better still, a PLACEscape. Unavoidably there are many stories and imaginings that belong to this place – a place with Aboriginal imaginings attached to it; a place with colonial imaginings and histories, a place with family imaginings, memories and histories; a place filled with geographers' imaginings; a place with political imaginings, a place with personal histories linked to it, and more still.
These things overlap and interface and each has as much credence as another. The 'keepers' of these stories and imaginings are this place's Community of Ownership and Interest – its COI. This COI has both obligations to the place and rights that belong to them as much as they belong in their various ways to this 'place'.
The occasion of the bicentenary of Lauchlan & Elizabeth Macquarie taking breakfast in this place is:
• An opportunity to not only quietly muse upon the place and the stories that belong to it ; and
• Likewise an opportunity for the place's COI with its various attachments to it, contemplate the layers of stories that belong to it; and also
• An opportunity to invite others to join them in their contemplations.
- Proposed sign enunciating the BLACK SNAKE JETTY site
- Proposed signage for MACQUARIE'S BLACK SNAKE BREAKFAST – a visual poem
- Proposed signage for the BLACK SNAKE INN
- A proposed 'cairn' of a kind for visitors to leave a token of their visit – perhaps a pebble from home or one from the site perhaps??
- A BLACK SNAKE symbol on the reverse side of the 'Give Way Sign'.
- Light pole bearing the URL enunciating the MACQUARIE'S BLACK SNAKE BREAKFAST CYBERplace on the Internet
- Placemarker and RUBBINGsite plus signage/installation acknowledging Aboriginal prior presence
- Proposed location for a bronze casting of a BLACK SNAKE to be installed in the PLACEscaping
- Proposed signage enunciating the name of BLACK SNAKE CREEK
- A marker denoting the point that is BLACK SNAKE POINT – the point that the Macquaries headed towards Nov 27 1811
NB: This URL has been adjusted to reflect the vernacular language in operation within the place's Community of Ownership & Interest [REFERENCE]. If you like ... the URL might be imagined as a DOORknob of a kind to the PORTAL that opens out to the CYBERspace occupied by the CYBERplacescape relevant to the terrestrial PLACEscape at Grantham Tasmania.
1 comment:
YES YES YES a point has been missed here! Quite obviously this CORNER needs the called/known-as BLACK SNAKE CORNER. The corner is destined to be there for quite a while and there are many aspects to 'corners'. Indeed corners are amazing places!
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